Clock Sculpture Pedestal
In the 1990’s, Dad kept experimenting with his clock
designs, and was involved in his public art projects in Toronto and
Seattle. During this period Kinetico Studios
built 24 six-foot Grandfather Clocks that incorporated a pedestal supporting a
large Six Man Clock. We then began
building the desktop Seven Man Pedestal Clock along with the Six Man Clock. Then in 1993, when I was 40 years old, Dad
promoted me to Vice President and General Manager. I was scared to death.
Before that, I was depended upon to manage the office, the customers and
the shipping and to work on the assembly line brazing and soldering parts. Now it was going to be up to me to make sure
the clocks got built, and I wanted to do it right. That’s when I really became committed to developing this craft called
Building Kinetico Clocks.
Luckily, I’ve had a lot of help from some great employees,
including Ivan “Sonny” Hall who became my husband in 2005. Sonny and I have carried Kinetico Studios
into a new era now, focusing on keeping clocks going for clock owners. We are all lucky to have Sonny’s experience
and expertise, and I couldn’t keep Kinetico alive without him.